Working with Cyanoytpes

This year for her Honors project in Photography Portfolio, Avalyn C. ’26, is focusing on Cyanotypes. Cyanotype photography is unique in that it does not require the use of a camera or film, or even a darkroom. Images are created by coating paper, or other substrates, with a solution of iron salts that are then exposed to UV light and then washed with water to produce Prussian Blue images.

The cyanotype process was discovered in 1842 by Sir John Hershel as an alternative to more expensive and time-consuming silver-based methods. The process was adopted the following year, in 1843, by Anna Atkins a British botanist who used it to more accurately record the structure of the plants she was working with, advancing scientific illustration and becoming one of the best-known artists throughout history using the medium.

Avalyn first became interested in the cyanotype process during a Photo Poetry assignment in the Spring 2024 semester. For that assignment she illustrated Tolkien’s Ring Verse printing on glass and wood and then embellishing the final images with hand painting, rocks, and leaves.

The cyanotype process is very much about experimentation and involves creating a hypothesis for the desired outcome that then requires a controlled investigation, with trial and error to accomplish the expected result. For her project this year, Avalyn’s final product will be a cyanotype printed dress. She has created her own dress pattern and will print various images on the chosen material, and then sew it all together herself. In the meantime, there is much experimentation happening with substrates including various fabric types (silk, cotton, etc.), imagery (flowers, feathers, large inkjet printed negatives, etc.), and embellishments.

The images shown are from her current work on watercolor paper with Wet Cyanotypes.

Stephenie Koerne is a Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Educator but better known as Jill-of-all-Trades. When not juggling work tasks, Stephenie wiles away the hours working on her photography and other art projects, collecting toys (as showcased in her office!), and reading. She loves dogs, cats, and cupcakes and pink is her signature color.

